Irregular Verb Flashcards

How to start? Touch a card to turn it over
[[ currentVerb.v1.v ]]
[ [[ currentVerb.v1.t ]] ]
V2 - Past Simple V3 - Past Participle
[[ currentVerb.v2.v ]][[ ', ' + currentVerb.v22.v ]]
[ [[ currentVerb.v2.t ]] ][[ ', [ ' + currentVerb.v22.t + ' ]' ]]
[[ currentVerb.v3.v ]][[ ', ' + currentVerb.v32.v ]]
[ [[ currentVerb.v3.t ]] ][[ ', [ ' + currentVerb.v32.t + ' ]' ]]
[[ currentVerb.trans.v ]]

Flashcards for learning English verbs

Learn English verbs easily and effectively with our interactive flashcards!

How to use?

  1. You see the card with the first form of the verb.
  2. Recall the other two forms of the irregular verb, their sound and translation.
  3. Turn the card over by clicking on it.
  4. Check yourself and click on the ‘Correct’ or ‘Incorrect’ button.
  5. Receive the next card.

Why use flashcards?

  • Fast memorisation - regular repetition helps you learn new words better.
  • Interactive format - practise anytime, anywhere.
  • Difficulty level from easy to difficult - you get the easiest words first, then harder and harder.